Wednesday, October 29, 2008

EOY Class Gathering 2008


DATE: ??? (most prob November)
VENUE: Gwen's house
TIME: Whole day!

Please submit suggestions to Gwen!
If anyone would like to contribute to the planning or whatever, please do!

We're most probably gonna have steamboat AND potluck. So if you can contribute foodstuffs/snacks/drinks, please inform Gwen, or other planners when more people wanna help plan.

Nic, are you in for the planning? :):):)

Lets all contribute games (like poker cards etc) and items to this gathering to make this a fun one! ;)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Okay this blog is so dead!

But its okay, I'm gonna revive it with updates of class gathering, since most people want a 1E gathering soon.

It'll most prob be at my place, I guess. :)
(it was requested to be at my place.)

If you've got more suggestions, comment comment!

And as for that banner on top, *points*
Its the current new class blog layout I thought of. I'm looking for more photos to put inside but then it'd be overcrowded.

And yes we all looked unglam then. x)
So yeah, since my laptop got reformatted my 1Endeavour pics are in my external hard disc, so if you want more pics send 'em over! I'll try my best to fit them in without overcrowding the layout. I worked quite hard on this one, so I'm hoping to make it even nicer.

What do you think of the layout? :)