Saturday, September 15, 2007

See here!


I think I've decided to make the uhm, gatherings and chalets and stuffs around mid-November. :D either that or early-December bah. Hahah.

I think if possible, please reply using the comment thing. I feel that our class blog become like chat board liddat haha ;]

I'm still lazy to change the layout la omg. OKAY, I'm gonna do up a basic design now, and get our tagboard up. So yeah, happy flooding babes! :D

FIRST, I need pictures. And my CPU has hardly any pics of oneENDEAVOUR'06 cuz.. my whole CPU (even my Recovery D drive) got rebooted. Rargh!

So you guys can send me some interesting pics of 1E'06 and stuff if you can :D

So yeah,

Much loves.


Anonymous said...

Mid november...HMMMM.
GOt taiwan trip. xD me and eileen

Geebee said...

Oh? That exchange thingo ah? Hahah I'm not going for that one cuz I last min decided not to hahah.

So mid-november? ahhh okay. lol :]

NiseRaison said...

i think early nov is better .

i dec whol mth in shanghai :\

Geebee said...

Woah whole month! Lucky you la. Hahah. I december might be in Taiwan for 2 weeks or so. BUT I'M NOT GOING! I don't wanna D: